Quilting words!

I was looking around for a focus for my next quilt — a quilt to celebrate my mom-in-law’s new room — when I ran across Tonya’s work on Word Play Quilts. I’m having fun! I have 3 words done so far and have another 3 in the planning stages. And I have a nice panel… Continue reading Quilting words!

Categorized as Quilts

Memorial quilt for Coder

Part of my mourning for Coder has included making a memorial quilt in his honor.  I made a small quilt when our cat Squeaky passed away and felt that it was good for me to do that. Coder’s quilt is still a work in progress, but the top itself is done. I just have to… Continue reading Memorial quilt for Coder

Categorized as Pets, Quilts

Coder, the corgi!

Coder is a Corgi-with-a-tail.  We got him from rescue, so his past is a mystery, but as an adult, he has the body structure of a Cardigan rather than a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He’s taller, longer and has the legs that turn out. For a modern Cardigan, he’s a bit small, his ears are smallish… Continue reading Coder, the corgi!

Frankie, the fluffy one

Frankie is our rescue Himalayan cat. His fur is long and very soft and floats forever in the air. At this time of year, the static in his hair is such that when we comb him, the hair that comes out flies from the comb back onto his body. So we have to wipe him… Continue reading Frankie, the fluffy one

The New Post

This is the first real post. I wonder sometimes, what the first real post was. It was probably just a stick somebody found on the ground around, say, a gopher hole. They put the stick in the ground and Voila, a new post. Wow. That’s deep man.

Categorized as Blather