Frankie, the fluffy one

Frankie, the Himalayan cat
Frankie, the Himalayan Cat

Frankie is our rescue Himalayan cat. His fur is long and very soft and floats forever in the air. At this time of year, the static in his hair is such that when we comb him, the hair that comes out flies from the comb back onto his body. So we have to wipe him down as well as comb him.

Update: Frankie passed away in July 2017. We think that when Zinni passed away, he lost his reason for living — which was to kill Zinni. He just faded away after she died.

By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.


  1. Frankie is a boy! Even though he is very pretty, he is a very macho kitty with a stocky build. His goal is to murder the other cat in his house. And yes, he leaves cookies and occasionally canned food in his bowl.

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