
So, it’s finally spring here in the Finger Lakes. Our yard is greening up, dandelions are blooming, bugs are emerging. You get the idea.

And our friend, Snakie-snakey is here and doing its thing — mostly sunning up against the house. We are hopeful that it is also eating slugs and bugs and all those good things that we want gone. Suri, the corgi, has a history of being a mighty snake hunter. I’ve told her that I don’t want Snakie-snakey’s remains on the back step, but she requires active supervision to keep our little friend safe.

And yesterday, Snakie-snakey shed a layer of skin, so they are getting bigger. Here is a photo of Snakie-snakey up next to the house, right next to the old skin.

Snakie-snakey next to the house.

6-27-22 — I’ve been keeping an eye out for Snakie-snakey in the back yard and we had another photo op:

A garter snake curled up next to the wall of a house.
Snakie-snakey enjoying a sun bath.

Mostly I don’t scream when we meet. Only when there is a slither right next to my feet. . . .

Categorized as Pictures

By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.