Long time gone. . . . and update

So. Ghita is gone. Zinni is gone. Frankie is still with us, but struggling. We have a new corgi: Suri. We’ve had her for just over 2 years and she is finally beginning to settle. She’ll do almost anything for a stick.

You can see in the background that we painted the house yellow. I love it, it makes me smile. We just added some air source heat pumps to the house — more for summer cooling than winter heating, but we’ll likely use it for both.


I am still happily quilting. This is my current project. The pattern is here:


Work in progress.


By bkb

I'm an archivist and a librarian. I quilt. I'm a Quaker. I'm married. We have 2 cats and a dog. We live in upstate NY in lovely, but gray, Ithaca.